In Conversation with Bobbie Hanvey, Pt. 5: Talking About Most Memorable Moments

If you had to do it all over again, Susan
Would you make many changes?

Uh, no, not really, I suppose I would have maybe curtailed a wee bit
At the beginning when the children were smaller
Sometimes I sort of, when I look at my grandchildren now I say
God, I don't remember, I don't remember our Brendan and Linda doing that

You might say don't get guilty

No, I know that, but you do sometimes, you know what I'm saying
(You do, you do, I know you do), but
No, the way I look at it, uh, it was our way of supporting our family
And that's just, it was our job, we did it, we had to travel and that's it
I know I had such fun down through the years, I met so many nice people

You have won countless awards
And have appeared on radio and television all over the world
What's your most special memory?

If you asked me the most memorable award that I got
I would safely say year that I won The Gold Star Award
But if it was the most memorable moment
Or time that I had throughout my entire career
Was about a month after I won the Gold Star Award
I got lots of publicity here about it
It just lifted me from my midway, to up there

And I remember going over to a place in Ardee one night, and I took my dad with me
There were so many people came that night to see me that they just couldn't get in
It was on a summers evening, around June time
And they put speakers outside, because the many people that came to see me
We suggested, we couldn't turn them people away
So they put speakers and connected them up
You know there were no screens at the time
But they had speakers, so they could hear me outside

And I remember the car park was packed with people and
He was standing looking out the window, and he said
"My God, Susan, look at all those people"
Daddy was a very humble man from Carrickasticken
He said, "My God Susan, look at all those people out there"
He said, "They're all here to see you", and he gave me a hug
That was the most special thing that ever happened to me
And dad died shortly after that
That's the last time daddy ever seen me singing
It's just a lovely, lovely memory to have

Well, Susan it has been a pleasure meeting up with you
And I'd like to wish you many more years of health, happiness and good singing

Well, you are very welcome Bobby
And thanks for having me, and thanks for giving me the opportunity
It was great fun

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