No Irish Need Apply (Remastered)

I'm a decent boy,
Just landed from the town of ballyfad I want a situation, yes!
I want it very bad I'd seen employment advertised "it's just the
Thing" says I but the dirty spleen ended with 'no
Irish need apply' "woah!" Says I "but that's an insult!
But to get the place I'll try" so I went to see the blaggard with his
'No Irish need apply' some may think it a misfortune to be christened
A pat or dan but to me it is an honor to be born an irish man well I
Started off to find the house I found it mighty soon there I found
The old chap seated he was reading the Tribune I
Told him what I came for and he in a rage did fly "
It says you are a paddy and no irish need apply" well I gets me
Dander risin' I'd like to black his eye to tell an Irish gentleman
"No irish need apply" some may think it a misfortune to be christened
A pat or dan but to me it is an honor to be called an irish man well
I couldn't stand it longer,
So ahold of him I took and I gave him such a whelping as he'd get at
Donnybrook he hollered "milia murther!" And to get away,
Did try and swore he'd never write again no irish need apply well he
Makes a big apology and I bid him then goodbye saying "next time you
Want a beating write no irish need apply" some may think it a
Misfortune to be christened a pat or dan but
To me it is an honor to be called an Irish man.

Writer(s): Peter Seeger
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