Bastard Son of a Linedance Mom

It's started at the age of nine
This tragedy I have
I'm ashamed and I am scared
'Cause my mom is mad
Too bad she wears the pants
And controls my dad
She made me watch him suffer
At there first class
I'm a bastard son
Of a line-dance mom
No self-esteem and I got no friends
So I put the blame on them
When they put on those Nashville records
No one has a chance
Afraid of our mothers strength
In line we stand
We have to perform this fucking horror
Called line-dance
I'm a bastard son
Of a line-dance mom
With a crazy hat and cowgirl dress
Bought from the mall
Makes me wish I was never ever
Conceived at all
Scary memories destructive youth
That's all I have
Oh Lord have mercy on me and
Put a rope around my neck
I'm the bastard son
Of a line-dance mom
I'm a bastard son
Of a line-dance mom

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