All You Heavenly Orders

All you heavenly orders,
Sing to our God with the melody of praise, Rejoice with us today with gladness,
In the Resurrection of the Lord Christ.
Today the prophecies are fulfilled,
And the sayings of the forefathers are realized,
By the Resurrection of the Lord from among the dead,
He is the firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep.
The Lord arose as one who sleeps,
And as one who is sated with wine,
He has granted us the everlasting joy,
And freed us from bitter bondage.
He led Hades captive,
And crushed its doors of copper,
He utterly broke the bars of iron,
And for us, exchanged salvation for punishment.
He restored Adam to Paradise,
With joy, gladness, and happiness,
Him and his sons who were in captivity,
To the place of joy once more.
Today the flags of salvation spread,
And the bodies and spirits were renewed, And the believers won the clemency for retribution,
And glorified God with praises and joy.
Today the daughter of David rejoiced,
And the hearts of the righteous Apostles became glad,
When the women announced to them the fulfillment of the promise,
And what they heard from the pure angels.
That Jesus Christ is risen,
"He is not here as you see,"
So the women went to His honored Disciples and announced to them,
The Resurrection of the Creator of all things.
He appeared to His Disciples and gave them joy, With delight,
they saw Him transfiguring,
In the glory of His divinity and He made them happy,
When they saw Him alive.
We praise and increase His exaltation,
And confess the glory of His Resurrection, We thank Him for His great grace,
For His mercy endures forever.

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