Nobody Understands Me

Nobody understands me,
Although I wish they would.

Nobody understands me,
I hate being misunderstood!

Nobody understands me,
No matter how I try.

Nobody understands me,
And I can't understand why.

When I think of all the...
I've tried so hard to explain.

They all look amused...
Or a little confused...

Why can't they see what I mean?

It's very snoofly...

Nobody understands me,
Though memmily blit each day!

Nobody understands me!

But I guess,
zooglobble that way...

How can I make you understand?
How can I make you see?

Why does my quickery biffle you so?

Where will this izzleboodornut go?
What do explectionaryinoos know?

When will you yadaow for me?!

Nobody beezifies me!
Nobody febinode!

Kibblezzy deen voonizee...

I hate being misunderstood.

Writer(s): Sandra Boynton, Michael R Ford
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