Don't Give a F**k

We don't give a shit
We don't give a fuck
We don't give a shit
We don't give a fuck
Your opinion don't mean shit to me
And your shit's about to fall
Your rationale isn't rational
Like a bungie jumping off a six foot wall
I don't give a shit
Your right and wrong to me is all wrong
And you'll pay if you do me wrong
Politacally correct means tag along stupid
And I don't ever tag along
We don't give a fuck
What I am is who I am and I'm proud of who I am
C'est la vie 'cause to me comes naturally
I don't give a shit
I ain't afraid of the present
I ain't ashamed of my past
And my future's locked in real tight
The guns aren't loaded and the fists aren't clenched
But I've taken up a brand new fight
I don't give a fuck
We don't give a shit
We don't give a fuck
And I don't give a shit
We don't give a fuck
Hip ain't hip and cool ain't cool
But a fool is definitely a fool
New ain't new it is just new to you
But the truth is sad that's true
I don't give a shit
we don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck, no!

Writer(s): Terri Clark, Mike Muir
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