She's My Sister

Now I didn't mean to call you a redneck son-of-a-bitch
Though you are a redneck son-of-a-bitch
And I know you didn't mean to call my club a crappy little club
Though I guess it is a crappy little club
My parents died young, they died poor
They left me with my sister, not much more
She had this voice like none I knew
So I opened up my club, what else could I do?
For my sister. My little sister

She sang her song and the customers came-
I came from nothin'
We made some money and I made me a name!
I'll make her somethin'
You are stealing this music-
That ain't for you to say!
Hey, I don't blame ya, brother, it's the American way!
No, no, there's something you just don't understand!
Oh yeah, I understand you're a dangerous man!

I love your sister, really I do
Don't ever let me hear those words come out of you!
Not here in Memphis
The danger is deep that you wanna put her in
I don't care about you but she's my sister!
I'm a God-fearing man, a Christian through and through
But you can bet I'll protect my baby sister!
Oh-oh-oh, she's my one and only flesh and blood!
Be careful with the one I love!
She's my sister!

Writer(s): David Bryan, Joseph Gerard Di Pietro
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