
Fully dilated, and that cavity is vacant;
Your family's not related, and ya' brother's not a blanket;
that man wasn't ya' father,
but'ya mother had'ta pay'da rent; put'da pussy on lay-away, nobody seen'im since;
can't repent ain't gotta cent, just'a bunch'a lent;
so'da preacher can't save'im, let the streets just enslave'im;
outta body experience, influenza is contagious;
angel laced joints, and a faint smell'a burnt sages;
open up his story, ain't nothin' burnt pages;
his momma was a prostitute, and poppa was a rapist; big sister was an arsonist, and brother was racist;
anti-growth environment, just bodies no faces;
like hoookers in the hotel lobby, who caught cases; waitin' on Mr. Murphy on Thursday, fuck flirting;
'cause that Benjamin is burning, and the hands of time are turning;
and that greed in the back'is mind, is disconcerting;
another line glass wine, another lesson he is learning;
that he never learned his lesson, and his questions need re-wording; anti-depressants ain't working,
so what's the countermeasure; when you encounter over-the-counter, here take'ya medicine;
we broke the door down, 'cause them bitches wouldn't let us in; killed a biggot's son, wit' an expired epinephrine pen;
the funeral was gaudy, all Versace ...draped brotherin;
fully draped in discontent, his mother and her ugly friend;
but the metamorphosis gorgeous, like the Porsche wit' five hun'ed and twenty-six German horses;
momentary clarity, unidentified sources;
immeasurable power, when the two combine forces;
death killed the flowers, of the suicidal orphans;
now it's screaming every hour, 'cause the cowards ain't impressed;
make the dark one take a shower, and the light one lick her breast;
old man in the corner, carvin' FUCK THE WORLD in his flesh;
she just fucked herself, fucked a girl and made a mess;
how many fucks was given, well take a fuckin' guess;
sucks when you studied, and you still fail'da fuckin test;
Charlie in the pumpkin patch, smokin' weed 'cause he stressed;
feelin' mentally detached, hit the trees he need some rest;
the monkey on his back, is not a Bathing Ape knapsack;
ya' brain in'na skillet, wit' some eggs and flap-jack;
thought that he could kill it, but the monster keeps comin' back;
had a conversation wit' the maker but he twist the facts;
tongue cut like lightsaber, hit the bubble-wax;
yeah it looked good on paper, like Malone and Shaq;
do me a favor, leave me alone ...I'm try'na relax

Writer(s): Justin Marcel Coleman, Ted Feighan
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