
Ain't nobody talking when im talking fellas, so shut the f**k up.
The following items place in an envalope as I call them off.
Empty wallet, Legal papperwork, first 3 out of the 10 line up.
Single file on the bench lets go.
K open your mouth, stick out your tounge, alright through your ears one at a time.
K bend your hands over, shake them out with your fingers.
Hands above your head
Hands out in front of you

Over, wiggle your fingers.
Reach down at lift up your nut sac.
Drop your nut sac, skim back your dick.
Turn around, one foot at a time pick um up.
Wiggle your toes, other foot.
K bend over grap your ass spread your cheeks and give me 2 good coughs.

Writer(s): Jerry Knight, Aaron Lael Zigman, Alain Emmanuel Queme, Frederik Falke
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