Cabaret: It Couldn't Please Me More (A Pineapple)

If you bought me diamonds
If you bought me pearls
If you bought me roses
Like some other gents might bring to other girls
It couldn't please me more
Than the gift I see
A pineapple
For me

If in your emotion
You began to sway
Went to get some air
Or grab a chair
To keep from fainting dead away
It couldn't please me more
Than to see you cling
To the pineapple
I bring

I can hear Hawaiian breezes blow
It's from California
Even so

How am I to thank you?
Kindly let it pass
Would you like a slice?
That might be nice
But frankly, it would give me gas
Then we should leave it here
Not to eat, but see
A pineapple
For me (from me)

Ah, ah

But you must not bring me any more pineapples, do you hear?
It's not proper
It's a gift a young man might present to his lady love
It makes me blush

But no one, no one in all Berlin is more deserving
If I could, I would fill your entire room with pineapples!
A pineapple
For you
From you

Ah, but now, I think I must lie down for a few minutes
My head is spinning
So - good evening, Fraulein
Good evening, Herr Schultz
I am overwhelmed

Writer(s): Fred Ebb, John Kander
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