Act One Finale

People are free!
How can a fee enslave us?
How we can be
Free from the chains
He gave us!

We're suffering now
Such lives of sorrow
Don't give us tomorrow
Just give us today!

People are free!
How can a fee enslave us?
How we can be
Free from the chains he gave us!
We're suffering now
Such lives of sorrow
Don't give us tomorrow
Just give us today!

From every hill
Every steeple
Ring out the anthem
Of the people
Making a new way
Breaking the clouds of gray
To sing of today!
Sing of today!
Sing of today!
Sing today
Sing today
Sing today

A little brutality is exactly what these people need
Officer Lockstock!

Daddy, wait!
He only wants the people to be happy

Happy, you say?

So you want happy, Mister Strong?
Did you say happy, Mister Strong?
If they pee today I'm sure they'll be
As happy as a pup
With no rules and no more fees to pay
Things would be looking up!
But too bad the water that we share
Could fit inside a cup!
What of tomorrow, Mister Strong?

But what of today?

But what of tomorrow, Mister Strong?
Think of tomorrow, Mister Strong!
Our resources are as fragile
As a newborn baby's skull
With your actions
You would gut the child
And leave a lifeless hull!
Could it be you're so short-sighted
So insensitive, so dull?
Think of tomorrow, Mister Strong!

But what of today?

You are wrong, Mister Strong
You and your socialistic throng
If the people pee for free
They'll push the system to the brink
If today there's spillage
Tell us how tomorrow will not stink!
If it's you and me, now, Mister Strong
Which one of us will blink?
I say it's you, Mister Strong
For on the subject of tomorrow
You are wrong!

Oh, Bobby
Why didn't you tell me you were gonna start a revolution?

Maybe for the same reason you didn't tell me you were a Cladwell
So, you can join us
Or you can stand aside

Bobby, think!
You're standing on the brink!
You'll be arrested soon
Perhaps as soon as noon
And I could never bear
To see you taken where
The guilty pee-ers meet
The toilet judgement seat!

You said to follow your heart
Here's where my heart leads
Now I'll do my part
To banish all needs
You made me to see
Fantastically clear
When people pee free
We've nothing to fear

Give up now!
We'll find a way somehow (your words were-)
To help the people pee (-like seeds)
Without a hefty fee (at first they)
But if you must persist (seemed mild)
Being an anarchist (they grew)
My father's men will see (into deeds)
You're sent away from me! (This riot's our child!)

You'll get Urinetown!

Sing of today. not tomorrow

Bobby, you'll get Urinetown!

End their lives of sorrow

Off you'll go to Urinetown! (Today!)
Urinetown! (Today!)
Urinetown! (Sing of today!)

You picked a fight you can't win today, Mr. Strong
Your rabble is no match for my men

You could punish our bodies, Mr. Cladwell
But you could never punish our spirits

Punish our bodies?

I never agreed to any punishment of my body!

Oh, ho ho
Punishment is all you'll ever know

Bobby, help
He'll turn our brains to kelp (You are wrong, Mr. Strong)
No matter what we do
We're in a real bad stew (You are wrong, Mr. Strong)
These cops look awful mean
Like none we've ever seen (Very wrong, Mr. Strong)
When Cladwell gives the cue
Our revolution's through (You are wrong, Mr. Strong)

Bobby, please (last night)
There's no way to apease (your word were)
A raging maniac (like seeds)
A real insan-iac (at fist they)
He's like a speeding train (seemed mild)
Caught in a hurricane (they grew in-)
But he is in control (-to deeds)
And he is on a roll (this riot's our)
Cladwell's nuts (child)
With no ifs ands or buts (the child is)
Yes, he's a real live loon (on fire)
A freaking Looney Tune (he's hot as)
And when he's done with us (the sun)
We'll find we're on a bus (he burns like)
Bound for that unknown place (a pyre)
That we all dread to face ('til freedom is won)

You'll get Urinetown!
(Sing of today, not tomorrow)
Bobby, you'll get Urinetown!
(End their lives of sorrow)
Off you'll go to Urinetown! (Today)
Urinetown! (Today!)
Urinetown! (Sing of today!)

What'll it be, Bobby?

Looks like we're in a real bad spot
Doesn't it?
I suppose we should leave

Oh, Bobby
They'll never let you leave now

Not without you, they won't
Which is why you're coming with us

How can I come with you
And not fight against my father?
Unless... unless
Oh, dear god
Bobby, no!

From every hill
Every steeple
Ring out the anthem of the people
Making a new way
Breaking the clouds of gray
To sing of today
Sing of today
Sing of today!
Sing today!
Sing today!
Sing today!

Keep your men back, Cladwell
We've got your daughter
And we're not letting her go

Boss, what do we do?

Seize them!


Don't let them get away!

Help me!

Help her!

Now, run everybody
Run for your lives!

Well, that's it for Act One (u-rine-town)
As you can see (rine-town)
The rebel poor are making their getaway (u-rine-town)
With Hope as their hostage (rine-town)
The rest of us (u-)
Have been thrown into confusion (rine-town)
Because, well (town, rine-town)
Because we're all moving so damn slowly here (town)
So, we don't get to catch them (rine-town)
Not yet (rine-town, town)
Enjoy Intermission (u-rine)
And see you shortly (town)


Writer(s): Michael John La Chiusa
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