Address Unknown

Address Unknown - not even a trace of you.
Oh what I'd give to see the face of you.
I was a fool to stay away from you so long.
I should have known there'd come a day when you'd be gone.

Address Unknown - oh how could I be so blind?
Who'd think that you would never be hard to find?
From the place of your birth to the ends of the earth
I've searched only to find - only to find - Address Unknown.

Address Unknown - honey chile, I ain't even got a trace of ya.
You know one thing?
I'd give anything in the world just to see the face of ya.
I was a fool to stay away from you and everything else so long.
I should have been diplomatic and figured that some day
You'd be solid gone.

Address Unknown - oh how could I be so blind?
Who'd think that you would never be hard to find?
From the place of your birth to the ends of the earth
I've searched only to find - only to find - Address Unknown.

Writer(s): John D. Marks, Dedette Lee Hill, Carmen Lombardo
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