The Cherry Tree Carol

Joseph was an old man and an old man was he
When he married Mary in the land of Galilee
And as they were walking through an orchard so good
There were cherries and berries as red as any blood

"Oh", then bespoke Mary, with words both meek and mild
"Pluck me once cherry, Joseph, for that I am with child"
"Go to the tree, then Mary, and it shall bow to thee
And you shall gather cherries, by one, by two, by three"

Then bowed down the highest tree unto our lady's smile
"See," Mary said, "see, Joseph, I have cherries at command"

"Oh, eat your cherries, Mary, oh, eat your cherries now
Oh, eat your cherries, Mary, that grow upon the bough"
Then Mary plucked a cherry as red as any blood
Then Mary went she homewards all with her heavy load

Writer(s): Bert Jansch, Danny Thompson, Jacqui Mcshee, John Renbourn, Terry (sgo) Cox, Jacqueline Mary Mcshee Jackson, Terry Cox
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