News with Mark Alford 1 - Skit


I'm Mark Alford with breaking news
This hour out of Pleasant Hill, Missouri
Where we're getting reports of a meteorite
Hitting today in an open field there

Now the impact can be felt
As far away as Downtown Kansas City
With tremors felt in high rise office buildings

The eyewitness reports are just now coming into the newsroom
NOAA, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Does have an office there in Pleasant Hill
Residents of Pleasant Hill definitely heard, and felt the strike
And now they wanna know, how could this happen?

On what would be a normally bright, sunny day here in Kansas City
A fog of some sort is now starting to roll north from Pleasant Hill
Through Lee Summit, and now approaching the Downtown Loop
We're getting a good view of it now from our tower cam if you can check it out

In fact, I've never seen anything like this before, it's eerie
Something, something like you'd see in the dust bowl days
Except, it's not dust, it's-it's a mist of some kind
The skies have turned burgundy (burgundy)


Okay class, everyone settle down
I need everyone to rise for our morning pledge

Writer(s): Aaron Yates
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