Christmas Eve Dinner

Marion) "Does anyone know what time it is?"
(Howard) "Gosh, I don't know..."

(Marion) "(giggles)"

(Dick) "It's Christmas Eve! Time to open the presents!"

(Marion) "No... Not yet."

(Dick) "Aw, nuts!"

(Richie) "It can't be bedtime... I just woke up!"

(Marion) "It's time for Christmas Eve Dinner!"

(Joanie) "Why, that was going to be guy mess - uh, my guess..."

Christmas Eve DinnerIsn't Christmas Eve Dinner
'Til you serve the turkey
And the candied yams
(Fonzie)"And there must be mince pie!"
"And some dandy hams!"

Christmas Eve Dinner
Isn't Christmas Eve Dinner
'Til the Christmas pudding's
Good and piping hot
(Potsie) "And your plate can't wait, to see
What else you've got!"

(Dick) "Heh! Let's just get to eatin'!"

(Marion) Howard... set the table ("All right.")
Richie... stir the soup
Everyone's so able...
(Dick) "What a kind... and helpful, group..."

(Joanie)"I'll go start the muffins"
(Fonzie)"I'll go strain the trees – uh, peas"
(Marion)And Potsie ... in the kitchen, please
Remember... Not to sneeze

Christmas Eve DinnerAnd you won't get much thinner
From the fluffy, puffy stuffing
Or the bread
(Potsie)"Or the Christmas cookies
That you sneak to bed..."

(Marion)All thru...
Christmas Eve Dinner
While the candles glimmer
You can see the gifts
Beneath the Christmas tree
(Ralph) "I'm so happy... I could cry..."
(Dick) "They're all for me!"

(Marion) "Oh, Dick!"
(Dick) "Aw, get on with it!."

(Marion) Help yourself to seconds...
Soon the yams are gone
Just a slice of ham...
(Dick) (or three...) (Howard- "For me?")
(Marion)You'll see it won't take long...

(Richie) When the leg of lamb's so juicy
(Joanie)And the goose is "Oh so goosey"
(Marion)Tell me "What can the excuse be...?" Not to
(ALL)Eat... eat... eat...

(Potsie) "When the Yorkshire pudding's bubbly...
It just makes you want it doubly..."
(Marion) But you might just find it troubly...
Eating with your feet...
(Ralph) "I'm Sorry..."

(Marion)"Now remember...
No one gets to open their presents,
Until they've finished all their Christmas dinner."
(Howard)"I'm almost done."

(Richie)"I couln't eat another bite..."

(Dick) I'm done with dinner
And that makes me the winner...
(Joanie) Every dish is finished
(Fonzie) And my hands are quashed – hands are washed!
(Potsie) (I) Even ate my spinach
(Dick: "Blech")
(Marion) "Slow down boys... Don't rush."

(Ralph) "I've cleaned off the hambone"
(Dick) "See... I've licked my plate"
And Chachi woke up just in time
To eat the whole fruitcake!
(Dick) Who are you callin' fruitcake?

(Howard) "Oh! The pudding's gone you see..."
(Richie) "Can I be excused?"
(Marion)"The missing goose... no mystery..."
(Al)"No gifts will be refused!"

(Marion)Oh... Alright... I guess you can open them now...

SOUNDS of Leaving the table...
And Rushing, bumping, scrambling to the tree, etc.

(Dick) "Out of my way..."
(Howard) "Not 'til Christmas Day..."
(Richie) "Maybe just one?"
(Joanie)"Maybe I'll have a nap first..."
Marion repeats opening verse (brings her back...),
While the gang say lines on RIGHT in counterpoint.

Christmas Eve Dinner
Isn't Christmas Eve Dinner
'Til you serve the turkey
And the candied yams
(ALL) "And there must be mince pie!"
"And some handy hams!"

(Gang) (ad lib going through the presents)

Christmas Eve Dinner
Isn't Christmas Eve Dinner
'Til the Christmas pudding's
Good and piping hot
(ALL) "And your plate can't wait tosee
What else you've got!"

(Marion)La, La, La, La, La...
(Joanie) Why, Bashful, that's a new goat – uh, I mean, a new coat.
La, La, La, La, La, La, La...
(Fonzie) Looks mighty warm too.
La, La, La, La, La, La
(Dick) Where's mine, ya nincompoop.
La, La, La, La, La
(Potsie) Here it is... right under my new pillow.
La, La, La, La, La, La
(Ralph) What'd ya get?
La, La, La, La, La
(Potsie) Why it's a new-pick – I mean, a new pick!
(Dick) Well, that's not so bad -
(Potsie) What do you know? I got one too.

Fade out while Marion singing La Las,
And the gang are shouting at each other.

(Dick) Well ain't that grand.
(Howard) I think they look kinda nice...

Writer(s): Ernest J. Ford
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