Do for One

Do for one
At last a confession
In an effort to be globally focused
I lost sight of those in front of me the locally hopeless
My ulterior motives got the best of me
Now here's the rest of me
Trying to reach the thousands while ignoring my community
Resentment took root self preservation began fueling me
The fool in me thought I had it figured out
Now it's time to live it out
What if I could touch one?
What if I could do for one what I would do for thousands
What if I was more present in the moment that's surrounding
Cause the present is where the presence of my God is found in
So I gotta be more present and present this hope
Serve and give when I'm asked to do doing my part we spoke about
Changing the world one life at a time
If I touch one you touch one
That's two lives on the line
And two turns into four and four turns into eight
And eight turns into 40 cause more people relate
And before we have time to slow down and think and just wait
We'd have touched a couple more thousand by speaking His grace
Not just speaking but breathing and being his hands
So that the love of Jesus could reach the most deviant man
Those far from God could be touched and be in his plan
'Cause I was right there when someone reached out
When I couldn't stand on my own
Not just a hand out but a hand up
It's not about pity really helping somebody stand up
Every person every street corner in our city
In our region in our state call it the Hope Committee
So may this hope be pervasive may this hope reach the nations
When me and you are long gone
May this be the way they remember us throughout the ages
It's amazing that God used us to touch lives and bring change It's
Beyond big lights and big stages
Building platforms to be famous
Making lots of money so that you can have lots of friends
But you can't take none of that with you in the end
All that matters is who we touch on this side of eternity
And what's in front of us is where we begin
We came a long way but we got even further to go so
Let's begin
Do for one

Writer(s): Ruslan Karaoglanov
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