Gravity Is a Bitch - Commentary

Cody Ray has the best knowledge of this album
He's been, he's been with me in my band
He is my first band ever since I was 17
And ermm
And he just come on ermm best oneday and pull out a festival
And he goes
'Babe, I think I got a song tittle' and I said
'What is it?'
And it's always you never know
Could be something great
Or could be something you put on a throw
Or both like this one
Ermm he said
"I wanna, I think we all should write a song on gravity is a bitch"
He said and because of this I'm just getting older and just things are going
And I was like "I love it"
And we just sit odown with this great, I mean such a great guiter player
And melodies, and we were just on file that day, when we wrote that song
Like what before my inc read
Then it just came out

Ermm it's fun, it's fun
It's just one of those thing serious, it's just about sense of humuor
About of getting older, I mean 30 is not that old
But in rodeo it's 2040
You know so I mean
It's just fun sit there talking to him about
About you know, some of those things
Some of those things I have to work for scouty right
And he was giving me examples and some of then are actually in the song

Writer(s): Miranda Lambert, Scotty Wray
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