Intro: God Is

Some years ago
I, I met this this this young brother
And I don't know I know who God
Erm connects me with
I know who I'm supposed to mentor
I know who I'm supposed to protect
Who I'm supposed to pour into
So that they can go on
See, we become so that others can become
We pour into them
And I think when I met him he didn't say it
But I think he felt like
Everybody had thrown him away
And I just loved on him and
I'm so proud of him tonight
DeWayne Woods, would you come out
To the stage please
Praise the Lord, everybody
How many of you really know God to be a healer?
Praise God
Years ago I had gone into
The doctor's office for a physical
Uum just to kind'a have things checked up
I was on the road and um
When I went back in the very next week
To get my results of the physical
They called me back in and told me they needed me to come in for
Uh something specific
Come to find out I had tested HIV positive
And this was back in '92
And um I went through all the treatments
That there was
And back in that day I don't know
It was, they were still trying to test out things
And still trying to find out what was going on
So I went throughout all of the years
And went back one time and
Just decided I couldn't do it anymore
I couldn't go to the doctor
I couldn't do it because
If I was going to sing about God being a healer
Then I wanted Him to do it
If I was going to be a worshiper
I wanted God to keep His promise and
So I made easy His way
And uh back in 2001
I went back for another
Just another check up
Just to kind'a see what was going on
And went back the very next week and
They asked me all the questions
That they needed to ask me
Then they said
Well, you can go home
You tested negative
We thank you for coming
And people asked me
They asked all the time
They say well you know
There's a certain thing called remission
You know where it could just go dormant for a minute
And uh so they took me before
A national board where I had to go through
A series of testings
And it baffled them because
It had showed up that
It wasn't in my system at all
Whereas if they had tested me the first time
I should have been negative the first time

Writer(s): John Donald Mackay, Lauren Peta, Heath Steven Crawley
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