
sea in the sky
Did you think that glass foundation you built upon wasn't gonna break with you shaking at the knees?
Well, I see them.
The crack you kept so hidden beneath your feet.
When the floor below you shatters beneath the weight of all the weary eyes who've called on you but countless times, will you answer then or remain mute in your faith?
And in these visions of heaven we've lost sight of ourselves.
We've all been blinded by a promise of light at the end of the tunnel (that may or may not even come), but but we've lost faith in ourselves.
Father, if you're listening hear me out.
I know i'm a sinner just the same, but let's compromise.
You've kept to yourself for so long.
It's not that I don't believe in you, but I believe in us more.
And in the darkest of times, it was man who struck the match.
Not light cast by ghost brightens the land of the living.
And in the absence of hope, it was man who broke our backs.
No light cast by ghost illuminates.
Did you think that glass foundation you built upon wasn't gonna break with you shaking at the knees?
Well, I see them.
The crack you kept so hidden beneath your feet.
When the floor below you shatters beneath the weight of all the weary eyes who've called on you but countless times, will you answer then or remain mute in your faith?
and in these visions we've lost sight of ourselves, we've all been blinded by a promise of light at the end of the tunnel (that may not even come), but we've lost faith in ourselves.
Father, if you're listening, hear me out just for once.
Father, if you're listening hear me out just for once.
We're all in the same sinking ship

Writer(s): Johan Guerra
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