You Think You Know Me

You think you know me
You tired to rule me
Exposed and injured as I was

You tried to eat me
I tried to feed you
Exposed and injured as I was
All this beauty want to give it all away
All these colours
All this pain

All this poetry
These words were all for you
I just wanted you to stay

Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me a little while

My man is drinking
Drinking me away
My man is sinking
Begging me to stay
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me and save my life

My dad is drinking
Drowning in his pain
My dad is drinking
Drowning all in vain
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me and save my life

Made open goals
Kicked in open doors
Kicked me in the face

Made open goals
Kicked in open doors
Left me standing umembraced

Belived all th rumours that
You heard
Belived in every lie
Belived the pictures that you saw
Belived my lust would die

Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me and save your life

Integrity loyalty fear
Integrity loyalty my dear

My man is drinking
Drinking me away
My love is sinking
Sinking far away
Come back
Come be
With me in this life
Come back
Come back
Join me in my strive


All this beauty
Want to give it all away
All these colours
All this pain
All this poetry
These words were all for you

I just wanted you to stay


Writer(s): Regina Charlotta Lund, Leif Arne Sundin
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