OMYGOD! (Commentary)

Track six is, "OMYGOD!"
Uhm, and, I wrote this
Uhm, on, was on holiday
And, it's one was those time when everything feels like
So beautiful and amazing
And you should be having best time but
You're not, and you can't help it
Because you're really sad about something

Uhm, and you know, no amount of like sunshine and
And uh, happy hours and sea creatures can-can change that feeling
Uhm, and it's definitely the pop-iest kind of Summer
Most summery feeling song on the record
And, uhm, it's kind of
It drove me wild when I first wrote it
'Cause I got it stuck in my head
Ss, like so much it does, it's kind of a catchy one

Writer(s): Kate Marie Nash
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