Give It Away

Debate all the time when this conversation is right, the time is right
Your loved ones adore and want you to be with them for
Life. Forever, well your choice will say

Try all the time to explore the reasons
Life won't remain this present season
Time is running out for good intentions
I beg you to change your mind and just give it away

Intellect foretold its present struggle with your soul
One knocks at the door, this burning building is coming down
Coming down, one way out now, please open the door

Try all the time to explore the reasons
Life won't remain this present season
Time is running out for good intentions
I beg you to change your mind and just give it away
I think you'll renounce your life and just give it away

Just give it away, just give it away
I don't want it to bring you down, down
I don't want that, down. Just give it away

Writer(s): Larry Craig
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