Let's Just Praise The Lord

Welcome, we've gathered together just to praise the Lord
Remember the words of the doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Our Father, our hearts are full of praise and gratitude
Because while we were still estranged from you by our choices and rebellion
You loved us, and built a human bridge to us with the life of your very own son
Thank You that we can never drift from your presence
And if we ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans
Even there your hand will guide us and your strength support us

Thank You for Your persistent love
Thank You for the family of God, who lift us when we fall
Encourage us when we are weak, and rejoice when we conquer
Thank You for the earth and nature
The beauty that reminds us of your awesome creativity and our responsibility to protect it

Thank You for children, keep wondering hope in our lives
Thank You for your word, the bible
He speaks to us fresh every morning with living truth and ageless wisdom
It is a light to our path in the dark world
Thank You, thank You, thank You
Our hearts are so full of praise for what you have done, what you will do here, and for what you are

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Sing a new song to the Lord, telling about his mighty deeds
For He has won a mighty victory by his power and holiness
He has announced this victory to every nation, by fulfilling His promise to be kind to Israel
The whole world has seen God's salvation of His people

That is why the earth breaks out in praise to God and sing for utter joy
Join us, sing your praise as accompanied by music from the harp
Let clarinets and trumpets shout
Praise His unequaled greatness, praise Him with the tambourines and praise Him with the processional

Praise him with stringed instruments
Publish His glorious acts throughout the earth
Tell everyone about the amazing things He does
Praise Him with horns, praise Him with cymbals, yes with wild clinging cymbals
Make a joyful symphony before the Lord
Let the whole earth and all those living on it shout glory to the Lord

Sing a new song to the Lord
Sing it everywhere around the world
Each day, tell someone that He saves
Let the waves clap their hands in glee
Let the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord
Let the trees of the forest rattle in praise
The low and high tide current praise the Lord

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Let's just praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Praise the Lord

Writer(s): Gloria Gaither, William J. Gaither
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
