Suspended Animation - EP Version

Ted keeps his mind set in a haze
Closes the blinds and sleeps for days
Careful, but he don't lock the door
Bashful, the slaw things on the floor

Ted keeps his eyes glued to the tube
Born in a brain that he don't use
Flies on the dishes in the sink
Hard thoughts he can't stand to think
What he's waiting for, he doesn't know
He hopes it finds him before he's old
Inside he's waging war
Because his stoner mind is so confined
In frozen time, the longing in his soul

It's alright, you're still young
You've got everything behind you but yourself
You're playing the wrong game son
Spending your days in suspended animation

Watching the robot-zombie die
Thumbing the ABX and Y
Sony speakers sing tear the tunes
L-listens to rap but lives the blues

Catches a scent, he's kinda ripe
Can't take a shower, schedule's tight
M*A*S*H and 7, Cheers at 8
Like everything the bath will have to wait
The master abiding his time
But it's all he got
For never winding his own clock
If every call is declined
Then I suppose the guy you so resign
That no one tries to reach him while he rots

It's alright, you're still young
You've got everything behind you but yourself
You're playing the wrong game son
Spending your day in suspended animation

Writer(s): Joshua Moore, Max Frost
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