The Cross

In the past
I believed in my own righteousness
And hoped that I was worthy of
The blood that Jesus shed

But now I know
That all the works I did were meaningless (Isaiah 64: 6)
Compared with Jesus' lonely death
On the cross where He bore sin (1 Peter 2: 24)

And now I have the righteousness
That is by faith in Jesus' name (Rom. 3: 23; Phil. 3: 9)

I consider everything a loss
Compared to knowing Jesus
For whose sake I have lost all things (Phil. 3: 8)
Because of the cross

On the cross
Jesus took away the written code
The law of works that stood opposed
And nailed it there for me (Col. 2: 14)

And through the cross
He put to death hostility
And in His body reconciled
Us to God and brought us peace (Eph. 2: 15-16)

And I am crucified with Christ
And I no longer live
But He lives in me (Gal. 2: 20)

I consider everything a loss
Compared to knowing Jesus
For whose sake I have lost all things
But when I gained Jesus it was worth the cost
All my righteousness I count as loss (Phil. 3: 8-9)
Because of the cross

Some demand a sign
And some seek to be wise
But we preach Christ crucified
A stumbling block to some
The foolishness of God
But wiser than the wisest man
The power of the Cross (1 Cor. 1: 22-25)

May I never boast except
In the cross of our Lord
Through which the world has been
Crucified to me
And I to the world (Gal. 6: 14)
So I take up my cross
And follow where Jesus leads (Matt. 16: 24)

Oh, I consider everything a loss
Compared to knowing Jesus
For whose sake I have lost all things Oh yeah
But when I gained Jesus it was worth the cost
All my righteousness I count as loss (Phil. 3: 8-9)
Because of the cross
Because of the cross
Because of the cross

Writer(s): Adam's Road Ministry
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