25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 4. Niels Tallefjorden
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Other Album Tracks
- Improvisations on 2 Norwegian Folksongs, Op. 29: No. 1. Allegretto con moto
- Improvisations on 2 Norwegian Folksongs, Op. 29: No. 2. Andante
- Norwegian Melodies, EG 108: No. 62. En Vise om Hellig Olaf: Hellig Olaf Stod ved Fjorden (A Ballad to Holy King Olaf: Holy Olaf Standing by the Fjord)
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 1. Springdans (Spring Dance)
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 2. Ungersvennen (The Young Man)
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 4. Niels Tallefjorden
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 5. Jolstring (Dance from Joelster)
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 6. Brurelåt (Wedding Song)
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 7. Halling
- 25 Norwegian Folksongs and Dances, Op. 17: No. 8. Grisen (The Pig)
Altri album
- Grieg: Piano Sonata in E Minor, Op. 7 & Scenes of Country Life, Op. 19
- Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Books 1 - 10 (Selection)
- Complete Piano Music
- Grieg: Piano Transcriptions of Songs, Op. 41 / Nordic Melodies, Op. 63
- Grieg: Piano Music, Vol. 14
- Piano Music, Volume 14: 23 Small Pieces for Piano / Piano Transcriptions of Songs, op. 52 / Larvikspolka / Piano Concerto in B minor (Fragments)
- Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Books 1 - 4, Opp. 12, 38, 43 and 47
- Grieg: Piano Music, Vol. 8
- Grieg: Piano Music, Vol. 9
- Grieg: Piano Music, Vol. 10
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