Scene We All Ain't Saw

Old Badger was an outlaw that no man could ever ride
So tough, the devil's pitchfork couldn't penetrate his hide
To beat him was the dream of every cowboy in the land
But try they might, as sure is right, they'd wind up in the sand

A brag came up from Texas by the name of Too Oaks Tall
Was out to get old Badger 'cause old Too Oaks rode 'em all
He said he'd tie a granny knot in Badger's twisting tail
So thousands came to stake his claim or to see how bad he'd fail

A mighty crowd had gathered with old Badger in the chute
The stirrups felt the goading weight of Too Oaks heavy boots
Then the chute swang open and the crowd began to roar
Tall's shirt tail beat upon the sea like waves upon a shore

They circled that arena, Badger pawing out his hate
But Tall stuck in the saddle like his tail was made of paste
Badger then exploded as his hooves beat on the air
But Tall did stay like children's play in grandma's rockin' chair

The outlaw's eyes were blazin', old Tall's face was turnin' red
They take off to the right but wind up goin' left instead
They busted through the fence and crashed the stillness of the night
They filled the air with dust and hair, and vanished out of sight

Some say they died of thirst and time has turned them into stone
Others say they withered and the buzzards picked their bones
But somewhere on that prairie is a scene we all ain't saw
Did Tall get throwed or Badger rode or was it called a draw?

Writer(s): Gil Milan
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