The Lord Is My Shepherd (Live)

He is Je-sus, Rock of A-ges;
Our Mes-si-ah, the Prince of Peace;
Lord, our re-fuge, strength and pow-er,
and His Love will nev-er cease,
He is Al-pha and O-me-ga;
the Be-gin-ning and the End!
Our Re-deem-er, Mas-ter, Sav-ior,
Je-sus, Com-for-ter and Friend
Je-sus is the firm foun-da-tion,
for our sins, His blood a-tones
He's the Rock, the might-y for-tress,
Je-sus is the Liv-ing Stone.
The foun-da-tion nev-er wa-vered,
like an an-chor through ev-'ry storm;
He's the Rock of our sal-va-tion; He calms the rag-ing storm.
Yes-ter-day, to-day, for-ev-er,
His love reach-es ev-'ry man;
From His birth to heav-en's glo-ry,
Je-sus Christ, the Great "I Am!""
Je-sus is the firm foun-da-tion,
For our sins His blood a-tones,
He's the Rock, the might-y for-tress
Je-sus is the Liv-ing Stone
He's the Rock, the might-y for-tress,
He is our God, the Liv-ing Stone,
He is the Liv-ing Stone!

Writer(s): Keith Gordon Green, Melody Green
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