New Dawn

Seguendo la ritmica che fa la band
portiamo la creme de la creme
viaggia per miglia
dalla torre eiffel
a Londra al big bang
Giappone e Yemen
ci pagano in Yen
in dollari dallo Zio Sam
ma ció che ripaga l'artista non é la moneta fanculo al tuo re
lo vedi da te
che quello che faccio
non é per profitto
ma é solo per darvi un assaggio
di quello che ho scritto
negli anni passati standomene zitto
e lo vedo da me
se quello che dico ti lascia perplesso
so giá che hai gia messo
da parte il conflitto
e ti sei dichiarato sconfitto
ma senza saperne il perché

No matter what we will do it our way
we neva stop man we came here to stay
whateva you thought we could not do today
we do it now, we got no time to waste
get lost in this Riddim, lay back & be amazed
whateva you thought has been killing ya
let it leave time & space
we are ready to make a difference
with the music we play
a family on stage, we deliver change to this game!

And its a new dawn
and its a new dawn for us all
& its a new dawn
and its a new dawn for us all
The clouds are opening over the horizon
a wise voice is telling me to open up my soul
The sunshine is breaking through the waves of the ocean
this moment teaches me life is only a magic metaphor
Playing music, writing poetry in peace harmony
remembers me every day what i'm still fighting for

keep your eyes on your goal

It'hot outside, my face is burning
i loose my self with all my senses
sometimes i feel like i'm out of space
and i race with the sun until it goes away
and yeyyy yes i loose my self again
deep down in my soul digging trough my counsciousness
and just above a tree i can see the world is changing
a bird is singing free while my cat is trying to catch him

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