An Original Thought

The court was in session, the atmosphere tense
The judge told me, "Everything harms your defense
Please stand while the jury is told of the charge
You're a dangerous man who should not be at large!"
He looked straight ahead and said, "This man was caught
In the act and in charge of original thought"

"I must tell the jury that some things are barred
Everything new, you must disregard
The novel, unusual, the different or fresh
These fancies are worse than the sins of the flesh
For your information, this country has fought
To stamp out this curse of original thought"

And so it all started. My lawyer began
"For progress we need the unreasonable man!"
It was George Bernard Shaw that he'd looked to embrace
The judge said, "You're really not helping your case!"
For me, I was hoping he wouldn't fall short
Of proving my lack of original thought

It was time to attempt a new line of attack
"My Lord, it would help if you'd cast your mind back
If the man that he murdered could stand here and speak
He'd tell of the brand-new embalming technique
My client was seeking the day he was caught
This was nothing to do with original thought

There are crimes based on passion and crimes based on hate
And those that can risk undermining the State
He never, though granted he wielded the knife
Has had an original thought in his life
I humbly submit to this merciful Court
That here is no guilt of original thought"

The tears of the jury were flowing and free
The foreman said, "There is no guilt we can see
This is the moment to stand up and say
That nothing has shown we should lock him away
And we on the jury are pleased to report
He never has had an original thought

He never has had an original thought
He never has had an original thought"

Writer(s): Christopher John Trevor Midgley
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