Mountain Abode

i come from far away
to the other side of the world
and ascend to heaven
lions paw the earth welcoming
all who make the journey here
to join the rising spiral
oh Preah Vihear, listen to prayers
of Khmer rising over your cliffs
and hear groaning cries
the bleeding heart of Cambodia
under longsuffering darkness
clawing up Pey Tadi
here rest heavenly disputes
where men and gods refute
the borders of your sanctuary
across gunfire and
gopuras gleaming
under golden skies
your avenue lanes
show the way
among bunkers and Brahman
oh Preah Vihear, hear the cry
of your people suffering
and the burden of your mountain abode
there is no conflict in your soul
the architecture of your temples
balance delicate harmony
nestled against heaven's belly
a gentle brush across the face
as Shiva's hair swirls around my head
oh Preah Vihear, it is said
your holy sanctum—temple in the clouds—
is a celestial portal future portend
i walk into a dark room
kneel at the feet of Ganesha
send up prayers for poetry and peace
that fighting may end—wars cease—
and consciousness may rise
above these lofty plains
oh Preah Vihear, the pain of change
comes from holding on too tight
a feeble mind unwilling to bend
until the dark moment it breaks
i do not partake in fear
i do not partake in hate
i turn and greet two young monks
"how are you?" i ask
but they do not speak English
so we converse in smiles now
language unnecessary
in these realms
i nod and join hands at my brow
thankful these men
tend to this place
oh Preah Vihear, what faith!
the face of your vertical cliffs support
temple walls and spiritual life to hold up
heaven's sun so bright
here on this mountain where
gods themselves reside
and humans try to understand
war waged among the sky
and the mysterious ways we fight
oh Preah Vihear, the light!

Writer(s): Luke Kurtis
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