Young Men

young men are supposed to have sex
young men are supposed to have sex and get drunk
and sleep in on sunday morning til brunch
young men
aren't supposed to read philosophy between the ages of twenty-two and thirty
young men
are supposed to be callow and cavalier
about things that later they will have to think are important
young men
young men
young men
the world is supposed to open like an oyster
the world is supposed to open like an oyster
the world is supposed to open like an oyster
the world is suppose to be ours
i don't wanna be the one who wastes precious time the one who has no fun while i'm in my prime before i'm done there will be dancing and girls...
whoa! oh oh oh oh oh!
i don't wanna pledge my brain to some college town before i've had a chance to look around locked up withe dumaine in a cap and gown that isn't the reason you go to brown or wesleyan or other schools young men attend
whoa! oh oh oh oh oh!
why fast when there are bones we could be sucking dry?
sucking dry?
why give up anything when there are jokes and things to try oh?
things to try, oh?
don't make me be serious already don't make me be thirty already, don't make me be responsible already
don't make me grown up already don't make me be anything but one of those
young men young men are supposed to watch porn dumaine loves porn i need it
young men young men young men
aren't supposed to read plato or derrida or yeats or adorno or shakespeare or kant or goethe or hawthorne books that sit on our shelves forlorn why read them now if we didn't before
no oaths or regrets no serious intentions
no bookish retreats
no quiet contemplation
the world is supposed to open like an oyster the world is supposed to be ours!
young men young men
are supposed to eat meat, look sharp, dump girls that's part of the deal that's why you're owed
when you're
young men

Writer(s): Michael Friedman
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