Viola's Soliloquy

What the—?
But I never gave her a ring
So then
Why's she giving me a ring?

Oh shit!

What could Olivia see in me?
In Cesario?
Does Cesario have something I didn't have before?
And what do I see in Orsino?
He's selfish, depressed
And clearly obsessed with Olivia!

But he's so damn dreamy
And passionate, too
My brother is the one who always gets the girl
And I'm the girl who's never had the chance to get the guy
Now that I'm wearing the pants
I'm in love with a guy, and the girl loves me
When they look, who do they see?

Oh, disguise, you are the devil's blessing
You've cast me in this strange new role
Is this costume getting me wrong
Or letting loose what's been in me all along?
Do these clothes conceal or reveal my soul?
Oh, disguise, which of us is in control?

My brother is the one who everybody eyes
I never understood it, 'cause he barely tries
But now that I've walked miles in his shoes
I finally see why he never seems to lose!

I feel so seen as a guy
People move aside when I walk by
I felt so veiled as a girl
Invisible to the world
It was always "look, don't touch"
No it didn't suit me much
Why has this power in me
Never been given a chance?
Is it as simple as putting on a pair of pants?

Oh, disguise, you are the devil's blessing
You've cast me in this wild new role
Does this freshly fearless skin
Fit me better than the one I've been in?
Am I finally shedding a well-worn shawl
Am I more myself
Now that I am not myself at all?

If I'm a girl again
Would he care what I have to say anymore?
Or would I just be a prize for him to win?
Would I even be a woman he'd adore?
Would I be enough in my own skin?
Or was the old me only a costume, too?

Who am I, besides how I look to you?
Who am I, besides how I look to you?
Who am I?

Oh, disguise, you are the devil's blessing
You've left me undressed
And second-guessing how
I've seen myself from both sides now
Is it half of each bringing love my way?
Oh, disguise
Maybe just one more day

Writer(s): Shaina Taub
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