Give Me More

I'll stand up and speak but how soon should I cave?
They say pick your battles. How should I know when to behave?

They say pick your battles. How many? Which ones?
They say pick your battles. Staying quiet is no fun

If I pick every battle, will I grow tired and weak?
If I limit myself, will I forget how to speak up at all?

I'll stand up and speak but how soon should I cave?
They say pick your battles. How should I know when to behave?

What if I pick every one? When will I know if I've won?
What if I pick every one? What if I just hide or run?

I'll stand up and speak but how soon should I cave?
They say pick your battles. How should I know when to behave?

The little things are what we can change
The little things are what we can do
The little things are where we can start
The little things matter too

They say don't worry about the little things
Save your energy for the war
But I think we can be like loaded springs
I want battles. Give me more

The little things are what we can change
(They say don't worry about the little things.)
The little things are what we can do
(Save your energy for the war.)
The little things are where we can start
(But I think we can be like loaded springs.)
The little things matter too
(I want battles. Give me more.)

I want battles. Give me more

Writer(s): Maya Bode
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