Pain Is Part of the Puzzle (Motivational Speech)

Whatever pain you've been through
Whatever pain you're going through
Know that it wasn't sent to make you weaker
Know that it was sent to make you stronger

Trust that it wasn't sent to beat you down
But to raise you up
Trust that it wasn't sent to break you
But to make you

Think of your life like a giant puzzle
In order to complete the puzzle
The masterpiece that is your life
Every piece is just as important as the other

You have different shapes, different colours
On their own, they seem random and incomplete
But together, they make sense
Once all the pieces come together, you can see the bigger picture
You have to be able to see the bigger picture in your life
Or at least have faith your puzzle will come together in time

But your puzzle won't come together unless you have your eyes open
If you quit and walk away, your puzzle will never come together
If you give up at the first sign of struggle, you might not get to see the bigger picture of your life
Your masterpiece will come together, piece by piece, if you keep going
Your pain is a part of the puzzle that is your life
You might think to yourself, 'I could do without those pieces'
But without them, you're not whole
You're missing something

Every single part of a puzzle is as important as the next piece
And likewise, every single event of your life made you who you are today
Without pain and struggle, you wouldn't have strength and character
Without negative people, you might not appreciate the positive people in your life
Without that rejection or break up, you might not have been guided to something better
Without that person saying you couldn't do it, you might not have had the motivation to do it
Without sadness and depression, you might lack the compassion and caring you have today
Without experiencing what you do not want, you may not be so clear as to what you do want
Without painful endings, you may not have been led to that great new beginning

There is a reason and a purpose in everything
And a true blessing in everything
If you can open your eyes to see it and open your heart to know it
Don't ask, "Why me?"
Don't say, "I didn't deserve this"
Ask, "How can I use this?'
"How can this make me stronger, better, wiser?"

Use the pain in your life as fuel to take you wherever you need to go
Use the mess in your life as a blessing to take you some place better
Have faith and trust that some endings are sent for new beginnings
It might not feel great at the time
But keep your head up and be open to the fact
That you deserve better and if you keep believing, you'll get better

Be open to the fact that you can't see the rest of the puzzle just yet
But just trust it will be a masterpiece
If you keep believing, have faith, keep growing and working on yourself
Everything will come together perfect at the right time

All of us experience pain and hard times
Only some of us use that pain to grow
Don't just go through it
Grow through it
It will make you better if you can find the courage inside you to keep going
Come out the other side of your pain stronger, better and wiser

Your greatest life cannot be lived without the strength that comes from your struggles
Your best life cannot be lived without great challenges
Trust this is a part of life
Find the purpose in the pain
Be one of the few who see the message in the mess
Be one of the few who gain the strength through the struggle
Who see the blessing in the lessons

Writer(s): Nicholas Macri
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