Fake News (Motivational Speech)

It's been a lot of talk recently about fake news
Don't worry, we're not gonna get political on you
Today I want to talk about a different kind of fake news
Fake news you might have been listening to since you were a child
A kind of fake news you might have been listening to
And believing your entire life

They might have come from your parents
From your family, from your friends
The more than likely, it came from inside your own mind
I'm not good enough, it's too hard
Success is for the lucky, I'm not worthy

That's the real fake news, fake believes, fake limits, fake thoughts
In fact, you may have been tuning into several different fake news channels in your life
These channels may have held you back from living life on your terms
These thoughts may have held you back from living a life you deserve
If you want to take back the remote and then take charge of your life
Never listen to these five kinds of fake news

Number one, I'm not enough
Number two, I'm not as good as that person also known as comparison
Number three, I shall do whatever it takes to fit in
Number four, I can't do it, I have limits
Number five, I can't change
Now, let me tell you all why these are all fake
So you can move on once and for all
And start claiming the life you deserve
And the person you are

Number one, I'm not enough
Where do you think this thought comes from
You weren't born with it
Somewhere along the way, it was conditioned into you
From people, you know and things you watch and listen to
Things you've heard, conditionally
Well, it's time to condition it out

Spend time with people that make you feel like you're more than enough
If you can't find any, find them in books, audiobooks, podcasts, videos
Find a community of people who know they deserve more
Surround yourself with positive people and positive thoughts
Getting some daily affirmations
Affirm that you are enough, that you are more than enough
Affirm your qualities, fill in as truth
Do this every day, make it an obsession to feel good about yourself
Nothing is more important than how you see yourself
Because that will reflect in every relationship in your life

Number two, I'm not as good as that person, also known as comparison
We live in a world ever expanding in comparison with others
Social media has done wonders at connecting the world
Unfortunately, it has also brought a generation who feel unworthy
Because they are comparing themselves to everyone else's high live reel

First of all, commit to be the best you can be and work on yourself everyday
There's nothing wrong with striving to be the best version of yourself
In every area of your life
There's nothing wrong with high standards and expectations
There's something very wrong with wanting to be someone you're not
Commit to be the best you can be, and work on yourself everyday
Strive to be the best version of you and be happy for where everyone else is
Even if they are ahead of you
Give yourself some credit when you make progress
Continually gain prove for you

Number three, I shall do whatever it takes to fit in
The best way to attract the wrong crowd is to become someone you are not
In order to fit in with the others
The best way to attract the right people is to be who you are 100 percent
The best true friend filter you could ever use is to be yourself in all your glory
The wrong people will fade away and the right people will stay

Number four, I can't do it, I have limits
The less you believe in limits, the more you can achieve
Your mind is your most powerful instrument
If you tell it, you can't
It'll make sure it protects you by not even trying
Why would it? You don't want to experience failure or embarrassment
But you know, the biggest failure is not attempting to reach your potential
Push yourself, challenge your perceived limits
I guarantee you can surprise yourself

Number five, I can't change
It's just sad to see the majority of the world
Thinking leaves stuck in the same place year after year
The same job, the same mindset, the same problems
The same dramas, the same health, the same lack

You're not stuck, if you don't like where you are in life, in any area
Do something about it, ask yourself
Has anyone, anyone ever been in a similar
Or even worse position than this and found a way out?
The answer is always yes
So learn how you can change or improve the challenge in front of you
Learn from others, make a plan, take action
You can do it, stop listening to the fake news
Switch the TV off and start claiming your true potential, your true self

Writer(s): Nicholas Macri
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
