We Tapped That Ass

I banged you here
I nailed you there
And on this couch
And in this chair
In the doorway, the hallway, on every stair
We tapped that ass all over this house

Sometimes him
Sometimes me
Though never simultaneously
But one of us was hittin' it usually
We tapped that ass all over this house

You'll never escape us
'Cause we live in your head
Just two swell dudes
That you screwed
And here
And there
And here
And even occasionally in your bed

That bed is really uncomfortable
Right? It's like a prison cot

On the stove
Over the sink
And sort of in the fridge one time, I think
And then we hit the back patio
That's where we hit your back pati...
We tapped that ass all over this house

How many times did we tap that behind?
Well, let's estimate
On an average day
I would have to say
Mmm, 5, 6, 7, 8

What, too cheeky?
Hey, does this ring a bell?
A little to the left
Oh, oh, okay now, a little to the right
Oh, oh, oh, wait, wait
Back to the left
Right there, right there
Wait, no
You're doing it wrong
I'll do it myself

Barkeep, what's on tap?
It's me, and my ass
Ooh, sounds refreshing

On the table you were
Willing and able
On the ottoman
You took a lot of man
And on the safe in the closet
I made a deposit
I also tapped that ass all over this house

Let's wrap this up with a big finish
But where should we finish?
Please, not on my chest
No, you'll scratch it

On the accent wall
On the bathroom floor
You didn't care where
You just wanted more
How much more tapping could one ass endure?

We tapped that ass (Tapped that ass)
Tapped that ass (Tapped that ass)
We tapped that ass
All over this house

Writer(s): Adam Schlesinger, Jack Dolgen, Rachel Leah Bloom
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
