New Beginnings

V1: Now before you even ask, I am human just like you,
And surely I have sinned, yeah just like you;
Made plenty of Mistakes LORD knows that's true,
but I choose to overcome that's just what I do;
Can't live in the past and expect to get through,
without repenting of those sins and turning away too;
Otherwise condemnation would have me all tangled,
I would keep crying out LORD why is my pain full;
Strangled by those things with no choice,
so much pressure around my neck it leaves me with no voice;
No hoist to pull me up out of that mire,
sooner than later I'd be an unbelievable liar;
Hiding in my shame, speaking the wrong claims;
playing the same games, never really LIVING again;
Looking to find change, hoping no more rain;
walking but still lame, can somebody explain;

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,
LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

V2: Hope deferred maketh the heart sick,
but when the desire cometh it is a tree of LIFE, Quick,
Refresh my soul because this darkness is so thick,
trying to find my way but there is no LIGHT lit,
Can't sit watching all this time pass,
having these gifts so LORD this I ask,
Make it fast, when you come in and change my
ways, transform my mind as your WORD does say,
This I PRAY, that I shall never be the same,
or return to those things that keep me drained,
So stained, so slain, was I kin to all loss,
with no fire to purge out all of that dross,
At all costs you LIVED the PERFECT LIFE,
to expose all darkness what a PERFECT LIGHT,
Blood shed on the CROSS what a PERFECT SIGHT,
to wash away all of my sins, what a PERFECT Fight,

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,
LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

V3: Delight myself also in the LORD,
and HE shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psalm 37:4,
Ye have reignited all my sparks,
out of this cold world inside your warm ark,
Leaving your HOLY mark with your PRESENCE revealed,
Teaching me how to war and break bows of steel,
how could one find you oh so real,
if they walk in the SPIRIT, not by what we feel,
If ye be Willing and Obedient,
ye shall eat the Good of the land, how GOOD is the LAMB,
To allow us to stand with all the past
flaws, before GOD's throne without any walls,
Knowing that the veil has been torn from top to bottom,
what they thought was HIS end truly couldn't stop HIM,
So we LIFT HIM up now for all to see,
these New Beginnings in my LIFE have entered Victory,

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

LORD be not far from me answer my call,
I know YOU didn't bring me this far to let me fall,
After all that I've seen I've done the right things,
take control of my LIFE and help me reach my dreams,

Talking: Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the
locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar,
and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied,
and Praise the name of the LORD your GOD,
that hath dealt wondrously with you:
and my people shall never be ashamed,
Joel 2:26... New Beginnings"

Writer(s): Makhario Victuro Dobbs
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