No Losses

No Losses

V1: The grass withereth the flower fadeth,
but the WORD of our GOD shall stand forever HE made it/
And verily HE put us over not under,
when I was formed it was with LIGHTNING and THUNDER/
Plus the HOLY SPIRIT set me FREE,
from all things that would bind so we could achieve our destiny/
Now we LIVE to set the captives FREE,
to shine the LIGHT of JESUS in places where they could never see/
Knocking them out of the Heavenlies,
by warring in the SPIRIT principalities are scared of me/
Accept the TRUTH it shall forever be,
no matter how much they try to change our CHRISTian legacy/
And this world needs GOD desperately,
I'm never afraid to say it since warring ANGELS are protecting me/
Standing to reclaim everything,
NO LOSSES in this camp when you move with PERSPICACITY/
: We want TRUTH,
they speak lies, this fire inside we can't hide/
No fear so we rise, with POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND/

V2: Is not MY WORD as a FIRE saith the LORD and like a
hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces do you BELIEVE this/
If you do then your actions will tell,
You'll be keeping many souls from hell,
Hearing it masses shall be compelled,
Don't let these sinners try to tell you what you can't do,
since they don't really know our GOD like they claim to/
If they only knew the pain that you came through,
then they would understand the change that you came to/
In LIBERTY they would go and carry the FLAME,
clue, in every part of the world to be PROCLAIMED who/
Took the keys to death, hell, and the grave,

: We want TRUTH,
they speak lies, this fire inside we can't hide/
No fear so we rise, with POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND/

V3: But we have this TREASURE in earthen vessels,
that the EXCELLENCY of the POWER may be of GOD and not of us,
and a FIRE goeth before HIM and
burneth up HIS enemies round about, now what/
Suffocating those demons, making it hard to breathe in,
willingly they're fleeing, people are finding meaning/
Now they start BELIEVING, standing up and DECREEING,
MANIFESTING GOD's GLORY, now the blind are seeing/
MIRACLES starting to happen,
people starting to clap when they're in
PRAISE and WORSHIP, serving GOD with a passion/
Lifting up HOLY HANDs,
in RIGHTEOUSNESS we dance, from the beginning, following the plans/
HE set before us, the world can't ignore,
PROVING the BIBLE TRUE, let them record us/
LIVING without fear,
in HOLINESS we're found, never again shall we ever be bound/

: We want TRUTH,
they speak lies, this fire inside we can't hide/
No fear so we rise, with POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND/

Writer(s): Makhario Dobbs
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