Ghosts in My Attic

It's weighing down on me
Pressure on the thin beams of the house effecting my sleep
Swear I can hear my memories twitching about up there
Took that box of VHS's to the recycling centre
Only for Chris to fetch them back
Saying they'd caught her eye while disposing of her cathode ray tele
And that there's loads of films I'd like in there
So I popped it back up the ladder
Behind the spare Christmas decorations
Crackers with card gone soft
Unusable Yo-yos, paper hats
Jokes still so bad they'd unite dinners in groans
I've got a cache of worn out mobile phones
Keep them to stop the mining of my data
And as touchstones back to when we were dating
I could send texts without looking on my Motorola Flip Phone
Snake keeping me awake on my thirty-three ten

I've got ghosts in my attic
That I'm sentimentally attached to
It's becoming a fire hazard
I know it sounds over dramatic
I don't want to see them
But I can't ask them to leave
I put a lock on the hatch
And it rattles when they dance

But today I'm clearing it out
Tuck trousers in socks to enhance bravery with spiders
Why does this box contain earwax candles
Two thousand and six diaries and calendars
A stack of letters from my sister's French penfriend
Who I always regretted not running away to age twelve
Pages covered in hearts
She never knew I was all nervous false starts
We'd run down hill just for the fun of it
Wanted to tell her but I couldn't pronounce it
Now why to we have five tents and twenty dried out paint cans
And why didn't I ask her to dance
Next to the soiled breadmaker
A cylinder of photo slides with no projector
Neglected transparencies of childhood holidays on the seven seas
Waterfalls and Disney character breakfasts
An expectant family on a Dordogne campsite
Who only come alive when you hold them up to the light

I've got ghosts in my attic
That I'm sentimentally attached to
It's becoming a fire hazard
I know it sounds over dramatic
I don't want to see them
But I can't ask them to leave
I put a lock on the hatch
And it rattles when they dance

Writer(s): Timothy Head
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