She Rises

As I grew, learned some creeds
Borne inside of demon seeds
Of rival clans spreading poison
Acting like they have no choice in
Rip you open, cut you down
Tell you all you're doing wrong
Oh, no no

Teach you love in their opinion,
Act like it is their dominion
Disrespecting others choices
Using loud and hateful voices
Nailing others on their dharma,
Careful careful karma karma... It's true

Because today, today's seeds
They are tomorrow's harvest so sew wisely
Oh sew wisely
Oh today, today's deeds they hold
Tomorrows' consequences so
Lets sew wisely, lets do wisely today

As for me I will respect and I hold highly
All you do when loving kindly
If you fall to deepened crevice
I'll recall my own experience there
When I was steeped in shadows
Filled with doubt and inner hell,oh

If you fall off deepest end,
Be there as your faithful friend
Loving ever in my way,
Whether close or far away
Oh, you should live the way you want to,
I don't know any better than you do for you for you
Just remember that

Oh seeds of fear, they will grow
With thorny wild choking hold
While those of love will grow so tender,
Bearing fruit so please remember

Harvest moon, harvest moon She rises soon
Oh harvest time, harvest time bear in mind
For harvest moon, harvest moon, she rises
Oh harvest moon harvest moon she rises
She Rises

Writer(s): Ydine Sandberg
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