Sarah the Cat - Episode 1

Hello everyone, I'm Dr Poppy and welcome to my Pet Rescue Centre
It's a special hospital just for pets
I'm a vet, so my job is to treat poorly animals and make them better again
Shall we see who's in the waiting room today?
Oh look, we have three animals to see today
It's Sarah the cat, Jake the spider and Colin the chameleon
Shall we find out what's the matter with them?

Let's welcome our first animal, Sarah the cat
Cats are members of the feline family, which means
Sarah here is actually very closely related to lions and tigers
But Sarah's a lot friendlier
Hello Sarah, shall we take a look at you?
I promise I'll be gentle
Hmm, let's have a look
Sarah, your tummy looks very big
Have you been eating too much?

Hmm, let's have a listen to your heartbeat
Well listen to that
You have four heartbeats and a large tummy
Does anyone know why Sarah might be feeling unwell?
She's pregnant and she's about to give birth
Let's count how many kittens Sarah gives birth to
One, two, three
Three beautiful kittens
Well done Sarah, you're a mummy

Here's Colin the chameleon
Chameleons are a special type of lizard
And did you know that the tongue of a chameleon
Can be longer than its entire body?
Now then, Colin, what can we do for you?
A chameleon has special skin which means they can
Change color to blend in with their background
This is called camouflage
Let's test it out, shall we, Colin?

Hey guys, meet Robbo
Hello everyone
Robbo is my friendly robot helper here in the treatment room
That's right
I've got all of the tools that we need to help the animals feel better again
I can even use my tickling stick

Robbo, please can you swap the colors of the backgrounds for Colin
And we'll see if he can change to the right color
This is red
But oh dear look, Colin has changed to blue

This is yellow
But Colin has changed to red
This is green
But Colin has changed to orange
There's definitely a problem here
Robbo, I think Colin needs to relearn which colors are which

Red, orange, yellow, green, four of the colors of the rainbow
Blue, indigo, violet, three more to make the full set
So Colin, you must not forget all the lovely colors of the rainbow
You can change red, blue or green and all the lovely colors in between
Red, orange, yellow, green, four of the colors of the rainbow
Blue, indigo, violet, three more to make the full set
So Colin, chameleon, don't you know you can match the colors of the rainbow?
Red, yellow, green and blue, what an amazing thing
Oh, what a lovely thing
What a wonderful thing you can do

Now, let's test you again Colin
Well done Colin, we can hardly see you, you're red
Excellent work Colin, you're now yellow!
Perfect! You got all three right Colin
You're now a lovely shade of green
It looks like you're all cured

Here comes Jake the Spider
Some people think that spiders are insects, but that's not true
Spiders are actually members of the arachnid family
Oh dear, Jake
It looks like you're limping on one of your legs
What happened?

That sounds like a nasty fall
Let me take a look at that for you
Robbo, I think we need to take an X-ray of one of Jake's legs
One X-ray coming right up
Spiders don't have bones like you and me
They are arthropods, which means their skeleton is on the outside
This is called an exoskeleton
If you look, you can clearly see here that poor Jake has broken one of his legs
I think we need to put that leg in a cast
Which will give it the support it needs whilst it heals

Whilst Robbo is putting Jake's cast on
Shall we count how many legs Jake has?
He's got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight legs!
All spiders have eight legs
That's you all fixed, Jake
Now don't climb any walls or water spouts
For two weeks and try to get plenty of rest

What a fabulous day in the treatment room
See you next time!
Bye! (Bye!)

Writer(s): Alan Edward Watson
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