Lucy the Goldfish - Episode 2

Hello everyone, Dr. Poppy here
Welcome back to my pet rescue center
Robo shall we see who's in the waiting room today?
It's my friend's Lucy the goldfish
Joe the stick insect
And golden the hamster
Shall we find out what's wrong with them?
Here comes Lucy the goldfish

Many people think that goldfish has trouble remembering things
This is actually not true
Goldfish has memories that last three months
I do hope Lucy remembers what she's come here for today

Hi Lucy, how can I help you today
Stop, stop, stop Lucy before you hurt yourself
I think I may know what's wrong
But I need your help Robo
I think Lucy needs an eye test
Please, can you get some words up on the screen for Lucy

One eyesight test coming right up

Lucy, can you read this?
Don't worry Lucy
Ca, ra, ah, ba spells Crab
Let's try another
Never mind Lucy
She, eh, li spells shell
I know, Robo I think Lucy has a problem with her eyesight
Can you please fetch the reading goggles?
Try this out, Lucy

There super special googles that make you see better
Sometimes humans need to wear glasses to help them see better too
A perfect fit, let's see you that makes a difference
That's right Lucy
Fi, eh, sh, spells fish
Well done, you just needed a pair of glasses, didn't you?
My next patient is Joe
He is a stick insect

Stick insects are some of the best creatures
On the planet at camouflaging themselves
Camouflage is a way certain animals can blend in with their surroundings
It's a way of hiding from animals that might want to eat them

Joe, are you there?
I'm sorry but I can't see you
Robo can you try and spot Joe
I don't think he's in there
I'm having trouble spotting Joe, Dr. puppy
Oh, there you are Joe
Why are you sad?
Oh dear, dear Joe
You're sad because you're sick of being ignored by people

Listen Joe, it's not like we don't like you
We just don't see you
Wear these cloths and coat of many colors
Then we can see you
Don't go hiding in the trees no more
Or crawl through the bushes and the forest floor
You can wear this anytime you want to
And we will see you
Yes we can see you

Wow, look at the outfit Joe, you look fantastic
You really stand out, I love the jacket
It's a perfect fit, you look amazing
Orange, purple, blue, red, and yellow
They're all here for you
Wear these cloths and coat of many colors
Then we can see you
Once you know about the friends you have
You forget you ever felt so sad

You can wear this anytime you want to
And we will see you
Yes we can see you
That looks so cool
Do you feel better now, Joe?
And yes we can see you
Great who is our last patient
At the pet rescue center today?
This is Golden the Hamster

Hamsters like Golden are very good at digging
They create big burrows in the soil where they live

Hi Golden, you look like you're enjoying your wheel there
Oh, dear, this is not good
It looks like you're going to be sick, have some water
Water makes you feel better
By getting rid of headache and keeping you refreshed
How often do you spin in your wheel Golden
Hmm, I think golden is travel sick
If you're going to play on your wheel for that long

You need something that will stop you from going sick all the time
Ask your mommy or daddy to give you a spoon full of this
Every morning when you wake up
And at night when you go to sleep
And you can play all day long
Let's see how many circles Golden can do in his wheel now, shall we

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Fantastic Golden you really are talented
What a wonderful day we had at the center today
Three animals cured
See you next time everybody bye

Writer(s): Alan Edward Watson
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