Samuel William Davidson

Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked
Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked

Do you feel like a tough cunt?
When you go and drink and drive
Those kids just wanted ice-cream
They're not coming back alive
You selfish fucking cunt
I bet you smoked meth too
The only one whos needs to die
In all of this is you

Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked
Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked

I saw your parents talk
They come off really nice
I'm sorry that they're sons a cunt
Who kills kids and smokes ice
You worthless piece of shit
You fucking failure mate
The fact that you exist at all
It makes me so irrate

Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked
Samuel William Davidson
You child killing cunt
Seen your bullshit on the news
Now you can go get fucked

I hope you rot in jail cunt
And get whats comin to ya
I hope those big boys pin you down
And run a train right through ya
I hope they take a big lead pipe
And smash your alco face
I hope that every fucken bone
Is shattered out of place
I hope that when they slit your throat
You're lucid and still breathing
Just know the cameras are turned off
And all the guards are leaving
There's no investigation
After all your blood is shed
Those inmates did us all a favour
Cunts like you oughta be dead

Writer(s): Brett Wade
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