
Dennis is 45 and lives at home with mum
Just like he's done for his whole life
And though he's not all there and doesn't go out anywhere
His mum wouldn't change it for the world
Mum's in her 70's and she still works full time
Just like she's done for her whole life
Her bills are always paid, the rest she needs tuck away
She will probably work until she dies

Sometimes late at night
She sits up and cries
Cos she's not getting any younger
And if she can't go on forever
Then who looks after Dennis?

Mums intuition has always been spot on
She's feeling this is her last night
Her hands on Dennis face, she says listen I love you mate
Promise you that things will be alright

They buried mum last week next to her husband
And Dennis doesn't understand

Dennis is 45 and lives at home alone
And he can't recognise his life
He get's his meals on wheels and carer once a week
No more than he needs to survive
The paint is peeling off the gardens are all dead
He's losing everything he's known
Mums other kids don't call, but still they want to sell it all
They go and stick Dennis in a home

Sometimes late at night
He sits up and cries
Because he just can't deal with change
And things they haven't changed in years
And he just wonders where his mum is

Writer(s): Brett Wade
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