
You exist, or so it seems
Within a paradigm that you call mankind
The nature of which is not what you might think
You have no claim to your existence;
Static ephemera

You exist, as do your fellow beings
A brief fleeting speck:
Trifling, transient, within a fractal matrix

But in truth, it is the most recent manifestation
Of a sequence you embody
As a node in a web of consciousness
Simulations of a higher order of
Beings you cannot perceive

You are pseudo sentient instruments
Nodes to carry out instructions
The means by which a cosmic discourse
Existing outside of the realm of perception
May unravel Like a collision of pieces in a game of chance

But in truth, it is the most recent manifestation
Of a sequence you embody
As a node in a web of consciousness
Simulations of a higher order of
Beings you cannot perceive

Imbued with the illusion of autonomy
Constructed so the human mind, in its infancy
Does not collapse in bedlam
A fallacy, the fully realized potential, approaching godliness
Forsooth, blessed human be thy name
When does it end?

Simulation of a universal thought experiment
An execution of recursive processes when does it end?

For all but the chosen — those who covet archaic lost knowledge
The complexities of your base reality will remain a mystery

Simulation of a universal thought experiment
An execution of recursive processes when does it end?

A fallacy, the fully realized potential godliness
Forsooth, blessed human be thy name

You are pseudo sentient instruments
Nodes to carry out instructions
The means by which a cosmic discourse
Existing outside of the realm of perception
May unravel like a collision of pieces in a game of chance
Imbued with the illusion of autonomy
Constructed so the human mind
In its infancy
Does not collapse in bedlam

For all but the chosen — those who covet archaic lost knowledge
The complexities of the universal thought experiment
This execution of recursive processes
Repetition from beginning to end
Of your base reality
Will remain a mystery
When does it end?

Writer(s): Adam Rosado, Alex Bacey, Harley Blandford, Mitch Yoesle, Petr Oplatka
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