Repulsive (Live From CCS)

Stretching shadows, setting sun
Such a picturesque beauty
While kids at the gallows line up one by one
Garbage tumbleweed blows smoothly
But nobody heard their cries over their matinee movie

But those in attendance might as well have been blind
Turned their heads right at the climax
Must be nice pretending everything's fine
When you've got all the odds stacked
Leave 'em high and dry and never look back

So Repulsive
Keep you circle nice and sacred
But your trees ripe with strange fruit
Plant 'em young and keep 'em hung so they know their roots

Point the finger; no it wasn't you
Just something which was passed down
But the Devil he lingers in the sermons they spew
Hallelujah they must be so proud
To have their own little spot carved out on heaven's clouds

And no other caste can exist
Without hearing their accusations
Certain when they pass they'll make the list
For eternal damnation
Turn the other cheek and keep them out of Canan

So Repulsive
Keep you circle nice and sacred
But your trees ripe with strange fruit
Plant 'em young and keep 'em hung so they know their roots

Writer(s): Jon Smith
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