Write it as Fiction

Life's so short
But feels so long
I've forgotten so much
Clutch my stories close
Keep notes
No embellishments required
Oh god I'm tired
They say everyone's got a book in them
Mine's more readable than most
I was like a ghost
Transparent and unreasonable
Lied to the office and said it was seasonal
Assumed they were all laughing
Right then I decided to write it all out
On a typewriter
Like a ransom note
In an old film scene
With handsome folk
Stiff speech
On the phone perspiring
Finger resting on the number they'd dialled in
But I'm ex-directory
So last century

Chapter one
Start with the end
Chapter two
A highlights review
Including the lift story
At the BBC
Paxman and Beckham
Thought I was someone special
Chapter three
Now we've reached the beginning
Small time stuff
Me and Jean
VIPs at nightclubs
Chapter four
That trip abroad
Chapter five
My brief time inside

Now around this time I got restless
Started drinking in town with a book as cover
Searching for company
Always the last to leave
Open mic night
Said the poster in the loo
For voices
Not music
Prose and poetry
I went for a few weeks
And sat at the back
Started a writing class
Took a job in a caf'
It's hard work and often boring
But try to listen more and
Keep people talking
Note their quotes
Hush my anecdotes
Plucked up the courage
To read out my stories
They went down well
Most think it's fiction
Swapped numbers after with Shirley and Norman
Got invited to Wednesday jazz lunches
Started to feel normal

Read a long piece
About my presentee father
Invented his last words
To pull it together
Cold water with ice
Cleared my throat twice
People were nice
Someone said 'bravo'
Pats on my shoulder
As I shuffle to my chair on the back row
Felt happy and sad both
And did not want to let 'em go
I feel like an oddball
But not that I'm phoney
They call me Kenneth
And I don't correct them
They call me Kenneth
And I don't correct them

I'm just just trying to listen
To write it as fiction
To try and admit when
I'm getting too distant
And I need to reset
I wake in a cold sweat
I'll just keep it simple
And honest

Writer(s): Timothy Andrew Head
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
