Zero Gravity (Epilogue)

This swirl of insanity
Separating me from humanity
Causing my profanity
Stabbing at my vanity
If only this were self-explanatory
Because it's impossible to figure out
When I'm floating in zero gravity

We were falling; falling so fast
And then came the crash
Leaving everything charred
I must have been stupid
Thinking this rush was gonna last
Or should I say that rush
Because it perished
Along with everything else
You and I
Two meagre flames
Creating an inferno
That couldn't be doused
We were invincible
Until we burned ourselves out
When you left
You left me with nowt
With no stimulus to push me on
Nor strength to sing
The words through song
And for you to suddenly do that is wrong
It's wrong because you left me
Floating in zero gravity

I can't breathe knowing everything
About us you've erased
After all the moments we shared
All the great heights we chased
It's not fair that I'm alone in a world
That doesn't in the slightest care
I will always remember us
And how we used to be
But now there will always
Be an end to the memories
Somehow I have to wake up to reality
And accept that we are no longer friends

You are everything to me
Now you're gone
I've got nothing, I'm hollow
Drowning in my sorrows
When all I wanna do
Is drown my sorrows
Because they were the catalyst
In our relationship
And if only I had gotten a grip
Then I wouldn't have
Caused you pain and let you slip
I've got nowhere else to turn
You want me out of your life
So I should want the same in return
But how could I want you out of my life
When you are my life?!
I can't believe this
I don't want to believe this
I't's like I'm standing
On the edge of a cliff
Looking down
And wondering what if?
I don't feel afraid
But my legs feel stiff
So I put my arms out
And I let myself drift
Now It's up to gravity
To either drop or lift
It's like the breeze
Blowing through the grass
Like an exquisite wine
Settling in a glass
But when it becomes empty
And the breeze starts to pass
Our time is up
And I have to let it be
But I've got no choice
Floating in zero gravity

You are the sweetest girl
I have ever met
The only one for me
There was never any contest
I wanted to make you
The happiest girl alive
I tried to set the foundations
That would make us thrive
I didn't mean
To break your heart
You were mean't to be
Mine from the start
It was only distance
That tore us apart
Maybe we weren't
Supposed to last forever
And this was always meant to be
The fate of those two feathers
Twirling in the wind; a whirlwind
Approaching the end of their tether
Why did you do this to me?
That's all I ask
I keep contemplating it
But the answer I just can't grasp
I thought we were always gonna last
I was gonna marry you
Can you not remember
The times we spent together?
How happy we were
You're not a bad person
You're a saint
You're an angel
You're amazing
And you're incredible
But what you did to me was cruel
You knocked me down
Now all I can do is crawl

I love you and I can't do this without you
I need you here
I need you with me
I can't do this by myself
You don't know how this feels
You're far away and I'm just here, you know?
You just... Why?
Why did you leave?
Please... I can't do this
I can't do it; I really can't
I love you
I love you so much
You are the one
I gave you my heart
And I gave you my soul
I dunno what you did with it
The moments we spent together were so great
Great isn't even a strong enough word for how they are... were
I can't live without you I need you
I just can't, you don't get it
I just... I don't even know what to say
I have nothing to say
We're over, but I can't accept it
I need you... I... need... you
We shouldn't have broken up
There wasn't a reason to why we broke up
But we did
And because of that I can't take it
And everything's just slipping away
I'm just left here nothing... I'm nothing
Just floating in zero gravity
That's what it feels like
It's just me
Up against the world
Floating in zero gravity

I know this is difficult for you
And I know how painful it is
But you have to understand it
From my point of view
You are so negative towards yourself
There is so much goodness in you
But you don't see it and it breaks my heart
You will only find inner peace
If you stop relying on me
As a distraction from your problems
Zero gravity is having no control
But me leaving hasn't put you in it
Me leaving has taken you out of it
Now you have control
So please find a way to love yourself
Like I do

Writer(s): Josh Tyler
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