What If

What if you woke up and all your dreams came true
Would you give back everything they gave you
Would you love them if they hate you
Would it really be the same you
Would it change you
What if your problems were gone
No more lies and you never did anybody wrong
Would you play the same song
Would you be weak or would you stay strong and hang on
If your girl came back would you make her feel royal
Treat her like your queen and always keep her spoiled
Would you let her go because she was never loyal
Or give her all your money and let her life uncoil
I'm just being real cause you made your family a promise
So if your dreams come true will they be there for all this
The ones who gave you doubt will you pay their debt regardless
Will you be the light and love them in the darkness
I speak my thoughts they judge me I speak theirs and they love me I'm sick of the lies cause
My past demons are present and I wanna move on but they're sending daily reminders
I don't wanna be defined by my pain I wanna be refined by fire I wanna inspire
There's one way to live It's called follow your dreams no family no friends no opinions required
Go back to your parents Instead of old ways
I probably failed them with the low grades
But I never failed myself with the low fades
Made a few mistakes there was no base
If you say I won't make it you got no case
This is my race I'ma run at my own pace
I follow God they say follow your own ways
Uhhh follow your way ima follow Yahweh
They say no way I say yeah way if they don't know you're a Christian that's a bad thing
It means you're to ashamed to share the name of your king
You can keep quiet but you know I'll sing
I got Dreams but through Christ it's possible
Romans chapter eight says God is unstoppable
Demons are like toxic people I just block em all
I stand firm in Faith you know I'm un rock able
Only a fool says in his heart there is no God
God is real and so is blaspheming
So we could have freedom He died on a cross
If you can't see Him He came for the lost
What if I was dying inside but nobody could tell
Cause I put a smile on my face said I'm doing well
What if people hate real so I can't be myself
So I gotta live my life like I'm somebody else
What if Jesus came and you saw Him take friends
But you were left behind watching the world end
Did you really follow God or was it all pretend
Did you do Gods Will or did you please the fans
What if your soul was restless and you were powerless
And I told you about God how would you act toward this
Would you mock and reject me and act cowardice
Or repent before God and cry out show me my purpose
What if this song ended what would you leave with
Would you turn back to your old ways or believe in
I promise if you don't have faith you won't receive Jesus
God says without it you cannot please Him
I guess they don't wanna think that
They say they wanna hear God
He gave us His word and they don't read that
I guess they don't fear God
We on our way to hell but we heaven sent
Think it's hard to escape but it's simple as repent
You don't gotta be afraid
You don't gotta be ashamed Romans one sixteen
God tells us not to fear one time for each day
Persecute me I could use the blessings
Say they want truth then refuse the message
Saved by grace but it starts with acceptance
God says there's a time to cry and a time for laughing
There's a time for peace and a time for action
So if there's a time to talk then there's a time for rapping
So you can get out the way don't delay my passion
They wanna earn a place in my heart but they never stay
They play games then leave me cause I never play
I begin to wonder is it my fault they never say
But no matter the pain I'ma work hard everyday
In this life you either live by Faith or you walk by sight
You can either walk in day or you get lost in night
I guess they're all trapped by fear but I stand by Christ
I know that death is defeated so ima live this life
You can spit on me reject me and you can mock me
You can call me names call me lame say that I'm cocky
You can put me down try to shut me down it won't rock me
Say whatever you want about me but it will never stop me
They asking me questions I answer with actions
They don't want love they want me trash them
They want me to follow them to validate their passions
If anybody wants to hate on me you won't get a reaction
What if you woke up and nobody was there
Would you still be the same you if nobody cared
Would you face the problems that you couldn't bare
Or would you get depressed because life isn't fair
What if you had feelings would you hide them
Just to avoid love it's been keeping you blinded
And if she had feelings would you bind them
Or would you run away from her and deny them
What if you hated life and had nothing to live for
And self awareness was a gun would you pull the trigger
Would you try to gain love or would you give more
Would you give up or focus on a new picture
What if it was your last days and you were on a death bed
What would you tell your family before your last breath
Would you tell them to go on there's sunshine ahead
Would you die as a warrior or one of their regrets

Writer(s): Jed Dixon
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
